Friday 8 October 2010

A resolution not in vain

Whilst watching Eat, Pray, Love yesterday I realised I recognised the score. When I say recognise I don't mean I had heard it before, for it was an original score. I mean I immediatly felt that I heard the composer's work before. A spot if IMDBing later I discovered it was Dario Marianelli. The reason I recognised it was due me owning his score for Pride and Prejudice. Turns out I have without realising it semi kept one of my new years resolutions to pay more attention the composer.

Attraversiamo, Eat, Pray, Love.

Liz on top of the world, Pride and Prejudice.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

"Yes, but is it art?"

“I’ll tell you what I like.

I like it when people look at modern art and pompously ask, ‘Yes, but what is art?’ Therefore I have decided to try and win the Turner Prize, so I can witness it firsthand.

I will place a very smooth and shiny white pebble in a huge room, lit by a single spotlight.

And on the pebble will be a sentence. And this sentence will be entirely in Braille.

It will say ‘Do Not Touch’”.

Danny Wallace, Awkward Situations For Men, 2010.