Sunday 30 January 2011

My Sunday in K Town

This is the orange juice that saved me.

The brunch that made me.

The view my seat gave me.

And finally the game that played me.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

More then meets the eye

Composed of dead crows, magpies, a rat and a even a rattlesnake this is Tim Noble and Sue Websters take on the late Isabella Blow. Included in the piece there is also a lipstick tube and even a Manolo Blahnik heel. When lit in the right way the combination creates the silhouette of Bow. Currently exhibited at The National Portraits Gallery until 13 March 2011, its well worth a visit. Note though, you will get told off if you try and take a photo of it!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

Peter and Jane circa '64 venturing out to the seaside. I wish it was the summer and I could the same.

Saturday 8 January 2011

How I wish seaing at all gigs looked like...

Seating at The Royal Festival Hall.

New home candy

This is a list of things I would covert from the lovely Luna Park Foundry on Etsy. I need to get my arse in gear and start buying some proper pieces of my own. But then again I actually have no where to put them so maybe I should just window shop until I have a place to put them.

Friday 7 January 2011

Currently inspired by... Iveta Vaivode

I think what inspires me the most is that she has a BA in Photography from Bournemouth Art Institue.

A different kind of Potter


As a child my Dad took me to The Museum of Curiosity to see Potters work.

As an adult I took my Dad to The Museum of Everything to see Potters work again.

Expect more Potter related blogs. He's my new obsession.

Thursday 6 January 2011

I finally found you...

After months of searching for the perfect skull necklace I stumbled upon this by chance in Urban Outfitters (Yes I am totally addicted to the shop). I'm in love again with a piece of jewellery. I'm so predictable!

I ♥ Martin Parr