Friday 23 March 2012

Still Life

I tried to use the Diana instant back yesterday. It ended miserably, with most of the pictures evetually turning blue! I hate how much film I wasted and only realised afterwards it was because I had it on the wrong setting! I did however quite like the ones I took first on my phone. I've learnt my lesson and am going use the rest of the film this weekend in the sunshine.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Day 5: Filip Dujardin

Filip Dujardin

"I wanted to explore how buildings can touch you emotionally, and then explore their sculptural quality."

Day 4: Brian W. Ferry

Brian W.Ferry

"I want the viewer to stop and look and to feel something."

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Day 3: Adrianna Glaviano for Hells Bells

Adrianna Glaviano for Hells Bells

Adrianna Glaviano on Vivian Maier "She wasn’t shooting for anyone but herself. I wish sometimes I approached things that purely."

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Day 2: María Aparicio Puentes

María Aparicio Puentes

"For me, this image has certain geometric patterns, sequences and elements that in my mind, are asking to be connected."

Monday 19 March 2012

Day 1: Laura Makabersku

Laura Makabersku

"i don't have anything in common with myself. i'm a poet and owl. i'm sensitiveness and empty space. sometimes i feel that i grew up beside death."

Friday 16 March 2012

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Somewhere I would like to visit...

... an Orla Keily shoot. They're always my favourites.

Someone elses instagrams

A selection of instagram photographs by Annette Pehrsson. She has lots more beautiful and inspiring photographs on her blog.