Thursday 3 May 2012

If only I had a bag of magic beans...

After several months of trying to grow flowers on mybalcony, I have come to the conclusion that gardening is not my forte.  While I have been telling myself that it wasmy seed’s, (some with an expiration date in the 90’s) the elements (one months’worth of rain drowning my ‘in date’ seeds) and my tools (pretty yet unpracticalpots with no drainage) I fear this is not entirely the case. If only I had a bag of magic beans. My Granma has suggested I read a gardeningbook and had promised she will check her local charity shop for one for me.  I’m fairly confident that when I return homein a few weeks, I will be the proud owner of said book and that my Father may havedisowned me for my un-green fingers.

Whilst searching for the perfect solution, I have stumbledacross, nee fallen in love with the Terrarium. A terrarium is a collection of smallplants, often ferns or cacti, in a glass container.  The beautiful collection shown above comes from Score+Solders. If I could afford to, I would buy them in a heartbeat.

Terrarium’s remind me of a collection of old fish tanks weused to have when I was younger. They lived in the garden, nestled snugly onbranches between the ivy that grew around them. In one of the tanks lived a toyfish, a homage to Damien Hirst’s ThePhysical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living. They would havebeen perfect for my first Terrarium. I fear my search for the right terrariummay take some time…