Tuesday 10 April 2012

Zen and the art of finishing what I've started

“But it is our history that makes who we are today, and it is who we are today that makes who we are tomorrow.” Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M. Pirsig.

Reminiscence by Brendan George Ko

When I was 16 I started reading The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Two years, two holidays and one A Level photography project later I finished it. I loved the book, just lack the concentration or patience to finish most books I start. To demonstrate my point, I am currently reading four books, one of which I started in 2008 and read a couple of chapters of once in a blue moon. I also have three books on my kindle and only this weekend downloaded another. In my imagination, I will spend my weekend mornings on the balcony, sun shining, birds singing. My coffee will be in one hand, my book in the other. I will devour these books with greed and once I have finished them will be enlightened and wise. The reality of it is they collect dust on my bedside table.

This is not to say that I don’t finish books. Only last month I started and finished The Hunger Games trilogy. Even though I loved them, please note my sincere sarcasm at my reading ability.

All of these home truths lead me to the reason for this post, the above photographs by Brendan George Ko. I stumbled upon them a few days ago and immediately wanted to share them with a friend. I knew she would love them as much I do. I was in the process of doing this when I noticed, accompanying the photographs, were excerpts from Robert M. Pirsig’s, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, one of the books I am reading. The book was recommended to me by a family friend and I trust his judgement. I am now determined to, at the very least, finish this book.

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