Thursday 28 January 2010

The Challenge - Day 8 - Pillow

This is my offering for our most recent challenge Pillows - I have been a tad naughty and added two pictures rather than one. But what the hell.

My first challenge to feature Miss Sparkle and fun to do.

I opted again for a close up - I'm gonna have to stop as I'm not really challenging myself - this time with marshmallows representing the pillow. This idea was courtsey of Miss Ward - Thank you.

Sarita's offering can be found at her blog.

In Bruges (2)
Sherlock Holmes
Run fat boy run (2)

Thursday 21 January 2010

The Challenge - Day 7 - Birds

Inspired by a recent trip to Topshop where there seemed to be a lovely amount of french style clothes with the Eiffel tower on, I felt for this challenge I would combine the two.

Unfortunately for this challenge I opted not to pay homage to my favourite dead bird art work Ala Jannis Kounellis but simply to use my some what over worn sparrow necklace. It's been with me for at least 3 years and it's still my favourite.

The picture of the Eiffel tower itself was taken on my Diana whilst in Paris last August - it's actually the only picture that I managed to print properly from the whole film!

Sarita's offering can be found and as you can see she is a lover of bird themed Jewell's also!

What a lovley couple

I recently discovered this video and love it too much. More for it's Alice reference then my love of Hello Kitty or Mac. I am fans of both though! In light of this I thought I would have a little read up on Hello Kitty and here are a few fun facts I didn't know and as sods law will probably retain as they are of no use to anyone!

Fact 1. There is a Hello Kitty maternity ward in Taiwan.
Fact 2. Naughty Thai police officers are made to wear a Hello Kitty armband as punishment.
Fact 3. Hello Kitty's bio states she lives in London, England with her family.
Fact 4. She is 36!

Wednesday 20 January 2010

The Challenge - Day 6 - Curves

First and foremost may I apologise for my appalling time management skills - this was due up yesterday!

Up now, today's (aka yesterday's) picture was taken with curves in mind.

This is my New York snow globe - which i love and am glad was able to use in one of the challenges.

Sarita's offering which i'm yet to see myself can be found on her blog.

Monday 18 January 2010

The Challenge - Day 5 - Socks

Hmmmmmm as always I spent a while considering how best to depict les chausettes.

It was whilst pondering I realised that actually my socks are pretty, well not pretty to be honest. Where talking general unsightliness. I only ever get socks on two occasions. 1. Christmas and 2. When I steal them off either a family member or friend.

Add the fact that my legs at best can be described as "climbers legs" (think Bridget Jones).

I decided then and there neither was to feature heavily in la photographe. Which in itself was slightly problematic.

With this in mind I opted for a simple brogue and white sock ensemble. I found my background suitably film noir so kept in simple in b&w.

Sarita's socks can be found here:

(Please note the irony that as I was writing this I received an email from Little Boots)

New Moon (2)
The Fantastic Mr Fox
It's Complicated
Sawdust and tinsel (3)
Julie & Julia
Leap Year

Friday 15 January 2010

Top 5... Instrumentals

This one is a toughie for me and thus I've spent a lot of time thinking about it. Although this is a list of my top 5 not all of these would make it into my top 5 soundtracks. I've been ruthless - nothing with lyrics made it into the cut. Neither did any from films made within the last few years (if they were aloud then Carter Burwell's score for In Bruges would make things problematic) That said please don't judge me if there is dialogue in the videos!

Come in at Number 5 (I had to have a bit of anime love) so I have chosen Joe Hisanishi's Theme to Princess Mononoke. Hishanishi has worked on a number of Miyazaki's films and it worth checking him out if you love the films as much as I do!

Number 4 a solid favourite and forever visualising Japan for me is Air's Alone in Kyoto. Commissioned by Sophia Coppola to work on the soundtrack for Lost in Translation this was their own contribution.

In at number 3 has be a classic in my mind. Nelle Hooper's contribution to Baz Luhrmann's 1996 hit Romeo and Juliet is breathtaking and reminds me of my teenage day's. Morning Breaks is perhaps my favourite of his compositions from the film. More so then any other due to the bird song at the beginning.

In at number 2 has to be Yann Tiersenn for his truly breathtaking soundtrack to Amelie. Tiersenn is on my list of people I want to see before I die. I'm equally in love with Summer 78 from the film Good Bye Lenin but as I put that up on a earlier post I thought it would be poor taste to put it up again. So instead we have Comptine d'un autre été - L'après-midi (my second most played song on my i Tunes)

And in first place...

Drum roll please...

Only the musical genius that is Ennio Morricone with Il Tramonto.

I will let this one speak for itself:

Thursday 14 January 2010

le défi - jour 4 - énorme

Today's challenge was "oversize" so my mind has been rife all day with ideas.

What ever I photographed had to be big!

No bigger than big, massive!

No bigger than massive, humongous!

No bigger than. No hang on. What if it wasn't big?

What if I photographed something that by definition is over sized but I make it look tiny?

And thus you have my stream of consciousness.

I've put mine up now and am eagerly awaiting to see my competition at

You inspire me... Oleg Oprisco

Wednesday 13 January 2010

The Challenge - Day 3 - The Lamp

So I panicked and subsequently I think I cheated a little as my picture isn't actually of a lamp!

In my defence however it is a picture of what I use as a lamp, so I hope that counts? If not I have a back up?

Here goes picture 3:

As ever the very creative Sarita's picture can be seen here on her page

Enjoy Mon Cherie

Tuesday 12 January 2010

The Challenge - Day 2 - The Tea dress

Today's object was tea dresses and I must admit I had high hopes for my subject.

Sadly I woke up this morning feeling horrible, so much so I didn't make it into work!

With this in mind I haven't put as much thought into my picture as I would of liked.

FYI this is a picture of a canvas bag I got in New York. The tea cup is part of a necklace I made.

Go here: for a peek at Sarita's

Monday 11 January 2010

The Challenge - Day 1 - The Chair

Flick through a magazine at random.

Pick an object. Any object.

You have 24hrs to take a picture of it.

Today's challenge: Chair.

My result is below and Sarita's can be found here:

Sunday 10 January 2010

Turn that bad boy up to the max

Lars and the real girl
The house bunny

Friday 8 January 2010

I ♥ Lillian Crowe

Literally words cannot describe how much I want the ribcage necklace.

Also loving the use of vintage Chanel buttons.

Friday 1 January 2010

Attainable resolutions

1. wear high heels more.
2. wear red lipstick more.
3. travel as much as possible.
4. pay more attention to the cinematographer and the composer.
5. never lose sight of my dreams.

As an aside I have decided to list the films I have watched since my last post. After each film I will put in brackets the number of times I have seen that particular film. This could get embarrassing!

Today's films:

Confessions of a shopaholic (3)
Gentlemen prefer blonde's
Nick and Norah's infinite playlist (2)

You put a smile upon my face

Things that made me smile, whilst I was hungover today, include but are not limited too:

My new skeleton leggings

and these yummy hello kitty crispy's,
they came with free transfers!